Globe, DQ Institute, DepEd collaborate to nurture digital intelligence in public schools

Globe Telecom, in partnership with the DQ Institute and the Department of Education, are leading the way in nurturing digital intelligence in the country. With more and more Filipino having access to the internet and smartphones, there is a growing need for discerning online citizens nationwide.

The commitment of Globe, the DQ Institute, and DepEd includes measurement of the digital intelligence quotient (DQ) of our youth through pilot surveys in public schools around the country. The study will serve as a benchmark to nurture and improve our digital intelligence as a nation.

In conjunction with the research, Globe continues its push for increased digital literacy and online responsibility in schools through two key programs. Through the Global Filipino Schools (GFS) Program, every DepEd division in the country is provided a teacher training hub to bring 21st century learning in public schools through technology. The program equips one showcase school per division with free internet connectivity, mobile ICT equipment for learning, and teacher training on ICT integration in the classroom. Currently, there are 143 GFS learning institutions in 15 out of 18 regions around the country. Next year, Globe aims to bring the GFS Program to all 18 divisions.

The showcase schools, in turn, train teachers in neighboring schools on 21st century learning approaches through technology. Also, through the company’s Digital Thumbprint Program (DTP), students and teachers are provided free workshops on responsible digital citizenship. Workshops cover principles on online safety and security, online etiquette and responsibility, online leadership and empowerment, and how to identify false information from credible information online.

As part of the partnership, Globe will be undertaking a DQ test in 12 schools under the telco’s GFS program. The test is part of a national study to determine and measure the digital intelligence of kids in public schools in the Philippines. DQ is defined as the sum of technical, mental and social competencies essential to digital life. It encompasses the skills and values that are needed to thrive as responsible netizens to answer the demands of the digital era. These skills empower citizens to have ethical and responsible use of technology, an attribute that marks the leaders of tomorrow.

Globe thus becomes the first telco in the Philippines to help conduct this test that will gauge the DQ of the public education sector. Upon completion, the results of the survey will be used as benchmark of cyber-risk exposure and digital citizenship level of students in the Philippines. This will provide Globe first-hand data to help it further improve the area of digital learning among GFS school members through its DTP. It can also provide the opportunity to discover new ways or modules for learning.

The national study is part of an international DQ Study, the preliminary results of which shall be presented during the 2018 World Economic Forum to be held in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland.

The study is derived from DQ (, an online education platform that teaches Digital Citizenship Skills to kids aged 8 to 12 in order to empower them to become discerning digital citizens. DQ World was developed by the DQ Institute, an international think-tank committed to improving digital education, culture and innovation through cross-sector collaborations, global dialog and big data research. It is a spin-off group from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and Infollution Zero in South Korea, formed as a coalition in collaboration with the World Economic Forum.

“Globe Telecom is supporting DQ Institute in determining the digital intelligence quotient of the Philippines through the multinational DQ Study. This enables us to create new learning techniques to elevate the learning experience of children in the Philippines. Through our Global Filipino Schools, we will be able to help more students adopt to the new digital environment and help shape the future leaders in our country,” said Globe Senior Vice President for Corporate Communications Yoly Crisanto.

“We strongly believe that the cultivation of digital intelligence will help lead children of today to become not only capable citizens in, but also passionate and innovative leaders of, tomorrow’s digital economy. We’re glad to bring the Study to the Philippines and we invite all government and ICT leaders here to partner with us to bring award-winning digital intelligence education to primary school students,” says Dr Yuhyun Park, founder of the DQ Institute.

There are eight core DQ citizenship skills that children must be equipped with:
  • Digital Citizen Identity, which is the ability to build and manage a healthy congruent identity both online and offline with integrity. 
  • Screen Time Management, which helps kids manage their time in front of the screen—multitasking and engaging in online games and social media with appropriate self-control.
  • Cyber Bullying Management, which is the ability to detect cyberbullying situations and handle them wisely.
  • Cyber Security Management, which is the process of protecting sensitive data through the creation of strong passwords and managing various cyberattacks. 
  • Privacy Management, which is the ability to handle with discretion all personal information shared online for full protection of one’s and others’ privacy. 
  • Critical Thinking, which is the ability to distinguish between true and false information, good and harmful content, and trustworthy and questionable contacts online.
  • Digital Footprint Management, which is about learning and understanding the nature of digital footprints and their real-life consequences and how to manage them responsibly.
  • Digital Empathy, which is being empathetic to the needs and feelings of the kids, as well as that of other users, online.


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