DOT VI praises San Carlos City LGU

Department of Tourism Region VI lauded the Local Government Unit of San Carlos City, Negros Occidental for prompt and positive action regarding claims that a certain restaurant is exhibiting or displaying obscene sculptures.

This is after DOT received the said complaint from a concerned citizen. The complainant cited that the public eatery violated Article 201- Immoral Doctrines, Obscene Publications and Exhibitions and Indecent Shows, of the Revised Penal Code which was amended by Presidential Decree 960 and 969 series of 1976. The complainant believed that the obscene sculptures could blemish the tourism industry.

DOT Region VI immediately conducted preliminary inquiry as to the allegations in the complaint. Considering that the restaurant is not DOT-accredited, DOT VI endorsed the complaint to San Carlos City LGU for appropriate action. The LGU immediately sent a letter to the restaurant management which instantly removed the obscene sculptures.

"We are delighted that San Carlos City LGU swiftly took action on the complaint. DOT VI hopes that this kind of response will inspire other LGUs to do the same so we can address public concerns better. We also encourage everyone to report any tourism-related concerns in the locality so we could immediately response on the matter and take appropriate action. With the help of everybody, we can have an engaged and more responsive tourism sector in Western Visayas," DOT VI Regional Director Atty. Helen J. Catalbas said.


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